Friday, May 29, 2009

Rule #46- The Friend Zone

If there is something I can't stress enough it is stay away from the friend zone. Now you might come up to me and say "Jordan, what is this friend zone you speak of?" To which  I would reply, "Shut up, you know exactly what the friend zone is." And if you don't, you probably have no friends anyway so this doesn't concern you. Just press that next blog button right at the top of the screen there. So anyway, more on the friend zone. You know exactly what I'm talking about. You probably have one or two girls that you are with regularly, just "hanging out". These would be examples of girls in the friend zone. Now there's nothing wrong with having girls that are friends, just don't EVER plan on dating them. Once a girl enters the friend zone, she will never exit. It's sort of a chemical bond that occurs and the physics are just too complicated to explain. By saying those magic words "I think we should just be friends" or "You're like my best friend" or "Hey, why don't I just kick you in the junk and we can go back to being friends" or pretty much any variation on the three, what happens is that she pretty much wants nothing to do with you and she is too nice to put it that way. You sir, are screwed. You pretty much get my point. Well, I for one have had enough. You can pretty much consider this a legal document, a declaration if you will, that I, Jordan Gluch, hereby vow to never have another girl "friend" again. Maybe one day, big guy, maybe one day... Unless I can somehow flip it and put girls in that very same friend zone black hole I can't seem to escape. Hmm... I'll let you know how it works.