Sunday, September 19, 2010

This is inspiring...

yet kind of makes me depressed how a guy with one leg is still a way better skier than I am. Makes me wonder what I'm doing wrong.

#33- Bike across the Golden Gate Bridge

Friday, September 10, 2010

#82- Spit off the empire state building

#39- Get on TV

#36- Take a star map and see how many constellations I can find

So this post is dedicated to my good friend Jay Riley who gave me this sweet piece of astronomy equipment called a stellarscope. I highly recommend getting one. You can basically set your latitude and the time and date and look at a view of the sky complete with constellations. Also I couldn't have accomplished this goal without the help of Marissa. Also we decided that whoever named these constellations were pretty heavily into the opium, cause we honestly didn't see Pegasus or Hercules.

#17- Buy a custom tailored suit

(artist's rendition of Jordan)

Alright, alright. So this is not really what I had in mind when I came up with this goal because I originally had in my mind a suit made from scratch. But I did buy this new suit from Macy's and it was custom tailored to me so I'm gonna go ahead and count it for now. (until I can get my other made from scratch suit)