Monday, November 9, 2009

Prescription Drug Safety

Well, after many biology and physiology courses, I have come to realize that the human body is amazing. There are so many things our bodies can do, but when they can't, that's where drugs help to fill the void. Drugs can be very useful, although sometimes dangerous, so I've put together a few safety tips to keep in mind before your next visit to the pharmacy.

  • Prescription drugs should be kept far out of reach of children, even if they cry, "Please, please, may I have my medicine?"

  • Some people say you should not exceed the recommended dosage on the bottle. But, come on, it's medicine–it's good for you.

  • If you take medication daily, a useful accessory is a seven-day pill case, which helps you keep track of your intake and serves as a depressing symbol of your mortality.

  • Never mix prescription painkillers with alcohol, unless you like to party really, really hard.

  • Most people don't realize how much pharmacists enjoy haggling over the price of medications.

  • To reduce the risk of mix-ups at the pharmacy, bring a bat with a nail in it.

  • Most pills should not be taken on an empty stomach. Sprinkle a handful onto a salad.

  • If your pharmacist doesn't offer to have one with you right there in the store, it's probably been stepped on.

  • If your doctor refuses to write you a prescription for fear of "lawsuits", and hasn't responded to threats, there's a TON of pharmacies just south of the border. It's cheaper there anyway.

Remember, drug abuse is no laughing matter. Except when it's somebody you don't know.

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